Why Mooka?
A Message From Our CEO
"With 12 years of experience in the ecommerce and retail industry, I still wake up every day energized by the opportunity to create meaningful results for our clients. The fast-paced, ever-evolving nature of this field keeps things exciting, and I’m passionate about helping our clients not just adapt but lead the way in this dynamic landscape. It's incredibly fulfilling to see them thrive at the forefront of innovation and success."​
Brian Annen
Brian Annen | CEO
We are a team of ecommerce experts that are constantly acquiring more knowledge to help our client's achieve truly passive income. We know a lot, but know there's always more to learn. We never stop trying to improve.
We operate with intent. Intent backed by data. We do things the right way the first time in order to ensure long-term success. We use measurable results as milestones so we can keep your store growing.
It's your business and we like to make sure you have access to every part of it. We built a client portal where every piece of information is available at your fingertips. We keep you informed with what we are doing 24/7.
Every decision we make is a client-first decision. If it doesn't benefit you, we won't do it. We cater to your individual needs and goals and never compromise on service.
We have a support team and the resources necessary to scale your store efficiently and effectively. Your store always gets priority treatment and we are constantly looking for more ways to help you.
We use tech to be more efficient and replace human error with human interaction. We let analytics and data take the guesswork and emotion out of business so you can be almost totally hands off.
The "Not-So-Secret" Sauce
We didn't invent drop shipping. We just know how to do it better. We don't just rely on third-party tools that are readily available to the general public. We use them, but layer on our own algorithms to identify the best product opportunities. We operate with the goal of making each client a "Top Rated Seller". That only happens if we hit the metrics set by eBay. We operate each client's store with those metrics at the forefront: We ensure products are shipped out quickly, tracking numbers are uploaded accurately, customers are responded to swiftly, and products are high-quality to minimize returns. So there it is, our "not-so-secret" sauce.
We Know eBay.
There are levels to running a successful ecommerce business and eBay is no different. It takes a methodical approach to make sure things are done right and in a scalable fashion. It takes time to elevate and move up levels. If you are new to eBay, this is for you.
Your eBay business needs a solid foundation. We work with you to set your store up correctly and implement business policies that will help protect your investment.
Once your store has gained feedback and the product mix has been optimized, our focus turns to increasing sales volume for your store. The more orders that come in, the better.
When first starting out, our main focus to gain positive feedback from customers. This helps improve your seller rating and builds trust with potential buyers. We'd like to get to at least 100 positive feedbacks before moving onto the next level. Breakeven or slight profit is the goal during this phase.
Once order volume has reached a sustainable level, we turn our focus to improving profitability by testing different price points to find the balance between margin and volume.
Product Mix
Once we get enough feedback, we will start to add to and optimize the product mix. This requires getting into the weeds with data and making sure we are getting the most views possible on your products.
When profits are dialed in, we will continue to optimize and suggest times when adding listings is a good fit for growth.
What Makes Us Different?
We believe in setting realistic expectations and measurable results. We don't dangle false hopes and overarching promises. We let our actions speak for themselves. We follow policy and have backup plans in place should those policies change. We proactively prepare for the future to ensure longevity and scalability. We are constantly reinvesting into improving our business in order to benefit our clients more. We will never sell you on a "get rich quick" scheme because that's not what we do. We help create and manage ecommerce businesses that will exist for years to come and potentially generate you additional income. We are happy to educate our clients if they want to give it a shot on their own. We don't have a secret sauce or magic formula that makes us better. We just set expectations for ourselves that motivate us to perform better day in and day out.
Sarah S, CA
“With some companies, you can just tell that they do things the right way and don't compromise. Mooka is one of those companies."
James M, NY
"I was skeptical. Didn't believe in the business model. Mooka changed my mind and now I'm not looking back."
Jordan S, MN
“More happened with my eBay store in the first month than what happened in a year with my Amazon store with another company”